our Mission

“Leading People into a Growing Relationship with Christ”
We believe that God’s ultimate purpose in creating mankind was to live in a loving relationship with Him and with one another.  This was accomplished by sending Jesus Christ to model and teach us how to live and how to love God and our neighbors, to take our sins upon himself on the cross so that those who put their faith in Him might have their sins forgiven once and for all.  Through this forgiveness of sins we become children of God and the Holy Spirit is placed within us to empower us to live a life that resembles Christ’s.  We exist to invite others on this journey of following Christ and experiencing a gracious and loving relationship with God and to grow together to become more and more like Jesus Christ.

our vision

We will become a church made up of believers who are fully devoted to Christ and to becoming more like Him.  We acknowledge we are imperfect and will be devoted to showing grace and mercy.  But we will encourage, challenge, guide, and counsel one another to follow Christ and live out the values of the Kingdom of God.  

We will grow in our commitment to one another.  We will be aware of our need for community and our place within the community.  We will not see ourselves as consumers but as contributors.  We will not just be acquaintances but our closest relationships will be found within our church community.

We will be a church family made up of vibrant and healthy family units.  We will support all families within our church and provide for the needs of individuals and families of all ages.  We will provide encouragement, support and counsel to husbands and wives as they seek to demonstrate the love of Christ to one another.  We will support parents and grandparents who are seeking to raise Godly children.  We will integrate all generations and encourage older generations to mentor younger generations. 

As a result of our commitment to Christ and to one another, we will gather as a Spirit-filled body of believers to praise God and celebrate the life changing gospel of Christ.  Through the Spirit and the word of God we will encourage one another as we seek to daily follow Christ. 


our values

The Gospel 

The Gospel

The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central belief and motivation behind who we are and what we do.
The gospel of Christ compels us to love God above all else and emulate Christ’s love for others.
We care for the physical, emotional, relational and spiritual needs of others.
We are committed to being united in Christ and the gospel, while welcoming diversity.

We desire to see a continually increasing degree of the fruit of the Spirit in each other’s lives.

What We Believe

We believe in one God …Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
We believe in God the father almighty, creator of all things visible and invisible.  we believe that the bible teaches that god is the creator and sustainer of human life; that god creates each person in his image; and that life is therefore sacred, from conception to natural death. 
We believe in Jesus Christ, the son of god, the eternal word, the one and only savior.  we believe he was conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary; both fully human and fully divine.  we believe he lived a sinless life; he suffered and was crucified as an atonement for sin; he rose again bodily from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven and he will return in victory to rule forever. 
We believe in the holy spirit who convicts of sin, who indwells every christian, helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us in prayer, and empowers us to live a faithful and fruitful christian life. 
We believe the bible is God’s holy Word.
We believe God inspired the original writers of the scriptures and those original writings were consequently without error.
We believe that the bible is the final authority for all matters of faith, truth, morality and Christian living.
We believe that the bible teaches that God created each person as male and female; that these two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the “image of God” in humankind and that each person’s biological gender is an intrinsic, immutable aspect of his or her nature and identity.
We believe that the bible teaches that god established marriage in the beginning as a lifelong exclusive relationship between one man and one woman; that he has reserved sexual intimacy as an expression of love and commitment between married couples; and that any intimate expression of sexuality outside of biblical marriage is sin.
We believe in the gospel … the good news of salvation.
We believe that man, created by god, willfully sinned against god and is consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus christ.
Salvation … for forgiveness of sins … comes only by the grace of God through the blood of jesus christ.
one receives salvation by putting faith in christ and trusting only him for salvation.  we respond in faith by repenting of our sins and confessing christ.  We believe that the bible teaches that every believer in christ is to be baptized by immersion.
Those who have received salvation through faith in Jesus christ are sent into the world to proclaim the gospel and to love and serve the world just as jesus himself did.
We believe in the church of jesus christ, founded on the day of pentecost, consisting of all christians everywhere and organized into local assemblies called churches.
We believe that every member should be an active member of a local church.
We believe that each local church should have elders who serve as the overseers of the local church’s affairs and shepherd the members.  they are responsible for the oversight, instruction, Equipping, edification, discipline and restoration of church members.
We believe that the bible instructs church members to:
-Meet together regularly for fellowship, worship, teaching and the Lord’s supper.
-use our natural abilities and spiritual gifts to serve one another.
-love one another, bear with one another, accept one another and 
forgive one another.
-seek unity, and peace with one another.
-Encourage and build up one another.
-Bear one another’s burdens and pray for one another.
-encourage one another to love and good deeds.
-submit to the guidance/leadership of the elders/shepherds.
-support the church financially. 
-Pursue personal holiness and obedience to god’s word.
-strive together to fulfill the great commission.   
the shepherds/ministry staff of the Lynn street church of christ would be happy to meet with you to discuss Any questions you have about these beliefs.